By OutSyed The Box
From Islamic Reformasi To Melayu Deformasi
What does this really mean? It immediately means that School X or Style X of architecture has instantly become a nonsensical school of academic and intellectual endeavour.
The following is a portion of Prof Dr Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi's latest in MySinChiew (click here).
This is a screenshot from MySinChiew. My comments at the very end.
My Comments:
This is a very perceptive opinion by Prof Tajuddin about the state of Muslims. But there is no real solution offered. I hope one day I may be able to sit with Dr Tajuddin and discuss these things.
Because the solutions are certainly available and they are too simple. The problem is if I speak freely about what I really think about religion it is highly likely that legal action may be instituted against me by way of the Sedition Act, the MCMC Act, the various Syariah Criminal Enactments, that "surat tauliah" enactment etc.
And this is for a religion about which they say (I did not say it) that "you cannot use logic and reason to discuss religion".
The infamous "bukan semua perkara boleh dinilai dengan akal".
Prof Tajuddin is an architect. In his field of architecture there will certainly be various schools or styles of architecture like the Bauhaus with their geometry, the Glasgow style, the constructivism, post modern etc.
Now imagine there are Club of Doom countries where they allow only one School X or Style X of architecture.
And if anyone criticises or questions that chosen school, then they can be charged in court and jailed under the Sedition Act, the MCMC Act, the various "architectural" Criminal Enactments, "surat tauliah" enactments etc.
What does this really mean? It immediately means that School X or Style X of architecture has instantly become a nonsensical school of academic and intellectual endeavour.
Because School X is no more sustained by science, vigorous debate, scrutiny and questioning. They do not need to use intellect anymore. Instead School X is sustained by the threat of arrest and imprisonment of anyone who criticises or questions its precepts.
This is what religion has become. For a long time (for over a thousand years) the group of people who believe in "bukan semua perkara boleh dinilai dengan akal" have cleverly usurped the Police powers of the State (kuasa undang-undang) to "protect their turf". Or the village mobs are ready to do their bidding to persecute anyone who challenges them. It is either State sanctioned legal prosecution or village mob persecution.
Isnt that a fantastic method to ensure their "tenure"? No need to publish in critical journals, no need to face any criticism, no need to be scrutinised. Their critics will simply be jailed. Or killed.
Can you see why the people who follow them are suffering Deformasi?
What is the solution? The solution is too simple. Abolish the Sedition Act, the MCMC Act, the various Syariah Criminal Enactments, that "surat tauliah" enactment etc which protect the "bukan semua perkara boleh dinilai dengan akal" class of intellectually and academically deformed people from facing scrutiny and criticism.
You can see how intellectually and academically deformed they have become when they elevate themselves as 'pakar' or experts. They say when it comes to religion you must refer to the experts or 'pakar'.
It goes without saying that every field of human endeavour, every trade, every industry, every field of study and research has its experts. Medical science and engineering are prime examples.
But doctors and engineers use logic, reason and science. Doctors and engineers provide evidence for what they say. Doctors and engineers cannot say "bukan semua perkara boleh dinilai dengan akal".
And doctors and engineers CANNOT say if you criticise me or question me I will have you arrested and you will go to jail.
Can you imagine the medical faculty or the engineering faculty at some Islamic university having these words "bukan semua perkara boleh dinilai dengan akal" emblazoned over the entrance of the Faculty buildings? They will become the laughing stock of the entire world.
Gambar hiasan sahaja / For illustration purposes only
It is also super high time that Muslim intellectuals, including Prof Tajuddin stop blaming the Muslim people for being Deformasi or deformed.
This is not just a Malay problem. The Malays are not alone. Please stop blaming the Malays. Wherever there are Muslims anywhere in the world there is Deformasi. They are deformed. Islamic societies all over the world are failures. Can Prof Tajuddin explain this huge elephant in the universe? What is the common denominator?
The common denominator is the religion. Or the prevailing interpretation of religion. Because most certainly religion is an interpretation. Religion is most certainly sectarian.
After a thousand years or more of failure isnt it high time that Muslim intellectuals ponder the possibility that perhaps there is something wrong with the religion? There is nothing wrong with the people, there is something wrong with the religion.
The people do not need reform. All indications are that the religion has to be reformed.
But how can we even begin to discuss reforming anything when they have the Sedition Act, the MCMC Act, the various Syariah Criminal Enactments, that "surat tauliah" enactment etc ready to pounce on you?
Therefore the problem and its solution are one and the same and it is easy to be accomplished - abolish the Sedition Act, Section 233 of the MCMC Act, the various Syariah Criminal Enactments, that "surat tauliah" enactment etc.
Let everyone question and criticise without the threat of prosecution and persecution. And then lets see the "pakar" fellows squirm. - By Syed Akbar Ali