Palestinian gimmick backfires on Anwar - from flying slippers to Malaysia No! Malaysia No!

Written by Finance Twitter  

KUALA LUMPUR ( - On October 7, 2023, Hamas in Gaza launched a brutal massacre of Israeli civilians, killing 1,200 Israelis and resulted in over 200 hostages taken. The next day (October 8), Hezbollah in Lebanon launched rockets into Israel under the pretext of solidarity with the Palestinian militant group. On October 1, 2024, Iran launched more than 180 missiles at Israel – the largest-ever single ballistic missile attack.

In all those three attacks, Israel did not start the war first. The Jewish state only began retaliation after it was being attacked – bombing Hamas terrorists in Gaza, exchanging strikes with Hezbollah terrorists along the Israel-Lebanon border, and strategically eliminating the leaders of the terrorist organizations one after another. Now, the world is waiting for its retaliation against Iran.

Comically, there were wild celebrations when Israel was hit, only to see cries of genocides and brutality when the Israeli forces hit back. The Palestinians were dancing and singing after the Hamas raped and mutilated Israeli women. The Hezbollah celebrated after its rocket killed 12 children and young adults who were playing football. Likewise, the Iranians too celebrated missile attacks on Israel.

Palestinian Hamas Terrorists

They had no idea that the Jews have survived an awful lot worse than this – outlived their enemies from Pharaoh to Babylonians, and from the ancient Greek to the Roman Empire. Chances are they will outlive the Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi and the Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei. So, you can bet your last dollar that the Iranian regime too will cry genocide and brutality when the Israeli forces return the favour.

The Islamist extremists also had no idea that there is no law of war that says you’re allowed to start a war, and then complain when you lose it. That was precisely what happened to the Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and soon the Iranians. The problem with the Palestinians, when you asked them, is that they refuse to coexist with the Jews, hence Hamas’ commitment to destroying Israel and killing Jews. 

Do you expect the Jews to let the Iranian-sponsored terrorists slaughter them without fighting back? Even as Israel faces an existential threat from the Islamist extremists, it still gives out warnings and orders to the Palestinians and Lebanese to evacuate before launching targeted strikes. In contrast, Hamas and Hezbollah militants use civilians as human shields.

Hamas Terrorists - Children Human Shields

But when you condemn Hamas, you would be immediately accused as pro-Jews, anti-Islam, anti-Muslim and whatnot. If you dare to question any excessive efforts by politicians trying to milk the Palestine issue for political gains, you would be accused as Islamophobia, as in the case of Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is trying to become a hero in the Arab World.

After failure in getting recognition from the Arab World, despite jetting to UAE, Qatar, Egypt and Turkey seeking support from Arab leaders to stop Israel’s relentless assault on Gaza, PM Anwar unilaterally – and foolishly – deployed two Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Airbus A400M to the Middle East to transport 127 Palestinians (41 injured and 86 family members) back to Malaysia for the so-called medical treatments.

Instead of taking care of his own backyard, Mr Anwar begged Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to spare some injured Palestinians to be brought to Malaysia. The premier’s request was gladly approved, even though Egypt was more than capable of accommodating 70,000 Palestinians in 40 hospitals. The political stunt involved parading the Palestinians to boost Anwar’s Islamic credential.

PM Anwar Ibrahim - Palestinian Hero

The simple fact that the 41 wounded Palestinians together with their 86 relatives could endure the 8,000-kilometre and 13-hour journey in military aircrafts suggests that their injuries were not really that serious. The gimmick was so obvious that a non-governmental organisation (NGO) from Sarawak warned narcissist Anwar not to bring the Palestinians to the Borneo state.

Anwar was furious as he thought his brilliant drama could flawlessly hoodwink Malay voters to take note of his heroism. He immediately threw tantrums, accusing his critics as rude and lacking basic human compassion. No leaders before him had done what he did, so he expects nothing short of praises and gratitude. After the arrival of the 127 Palestinians in August, Mr Anwar hinted more could be coming.

But Defence Minister Mohamed Khaled Nordin immediately shot down the second mission to bring more Palestinians to Malaysia. Realizing the unpopular stunt could backfire, Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan, who is also UMNO deputy president said the ministry would help to provide medical aid and subsequently repatriate all the Palestinians to their home country.

Palestinians Arrival in Malaysia - Armed Forces

Today, the same Palestinians whom Anwar Ibrahim moronically flown in and protected like an endangered species, have started creating problems. The ungrateful bunch, upset for not allowed to venture outside of Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur (WTKL) as they were only in Malaysia for transit purposes, was running amok – damaging properties and even throwing slippers at Malay officers.

While the Anwar administration tries to cover-up the humiliating episode, claiming that the fiasco is fixed, the damage has been done. Videos of the incident have since gone viral. A woman Palestinian, speaking in Arabic, was seen screaming at a Malay army officer after throwing tantrums by kicking and damaging properties at WTKL, a hospitality complex serving military personnel.

To add insult to injury, another Palestinian woman and a kid were seen protesting and mocking the country – yelling “Malaysia No, Malaysia No” – while stomping feet and giving thumbs down. Clearly, the so-called victims of Israeli brutality do not have any respect for Malaysia, let alone showing any gratitude for having been “saved by de-facto Palestinian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim”.

They have made clear that their preferred destination is Western countries like the U.S., Europe, Australia or Canada, certainly not another pariah Muslims country called Malaysia. More importantly, it shows the Palestinians’ real culture, true character, upbringing and behaviour, something that tonnes of gullible supporters of Palestinians do not understand. If you think they are innocent, think again.

Exactly where is UMNO Youth leader Akmal Salleh when we need him the most after the Malaysian Armed Forces was attacked with slippers – an insult to 3R (race, religion and royalty)? Ahh, perhaps the Malays, Islam and Malay Rulers can be insulted after all, as long as it involves Palestinian Muslims. After all, PM Anwar said he will never surrender in quest to free the Palestinians.

If the Malays think only Malaysia has “Ketuanan Melayu”, the ideology of Malay supremacy espoused the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) under the Mahathir leadership during his 22 years iron-fist rule, they have not seen the real “Ketuanan Palestinian” in action.International aid groups provide food and other means of support to about 63% of people in Gaza.

Palestinians Real Life – The World’s Largest Outdoor Prison

In addition, about 77% of Palestinians receive some form of aid from the United Nations and other groups, mostly in the form of cash or food. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East – also known as UNRWA – is the second-largest employer in Gaza, following Hamas. Total U.S. aid to the West Bank and Gaza was at US$1 billion. In short, Palestinians do not need to work.

That explains why there were hardly any malnourished Palestinians (as opposed to Africans) before the Israel-Hamas conflict. They were well-fed and when the war broke out, it was the Hamas, the same terrorist group voted into power by Palestinians themselves in the 2006 election, who were stockpiling and stealing supplies from the people of Gaza, including desperately needed food and fuel.

But even UNRWA was found to have taken part in terrorist activities on Oct 7 and in its aftermath. Essentially, UNRWA, which operates 706 elementary and preparatory schools in its five fields of operation, including eight secondary schools in Lebanon, has been teaching millions of Palestinians to hate and fight the Jews, spewing anti-Semitism and terrorism – even praising Hitler.

Palestinians Throw Stones

There are good reasons why Arab nations aren’t helping the Palestinians in Gaza. They prefer to watch with popcorn from sideline as spectators than to fight Israel. In fact, instead of welcoming its Muslim brothers and sisters, Egypt has been silently building a massive high concrete wall on its Gaza border to stop Palestinian refugees, who may be Hamas terrorists in disguise, from slipping in.

In the past, Egypt generously accepted the arrival of Palestinians after the wars of 1948, 1956 and 1967. The rise to power of Gamal Abdel-Nasser in 1952 saw Palestinians treated as equal rights to Egyptian nationals. Yet, Palestinians (faction headed by Abu Nidal) returned the favour by assassinating Egypt’s Culture Minister Yusuf el-Sebai in 1978, followed by the 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat by Islamist terrorists in Cairo.

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War between Israel and several Arab states, Israeli forces seized the West Bank, causing many Palestinians to flee into Jordan. But in 1970, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) plotted with Syrians to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy. That coup d’etat failed not just because of the prowess of the Jordanian military, but also because the Syrians withheld the air support as promised.

Egypt Builds New Gaza Wall

A week after the failed assassination of King Hussein on Sept 1, 1970, four airliners were hijacked by the Palestinian terrorists. Martial law was declared in Jordan shortly after, and the rest of the month involved heavy fighting between the Jordanian military and Palestinian militants. That is what led to Black September. By summer of 1971, all Palestinian forces had been expelled from Jordan and fled into Lebanon.

So, under the pretense that they fear Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood, both Egypt and Jordan (as well as other Arab nations) consistently refused to take in Palestinians. They saw the type of damages the Palestinians could do, including attempts to take over the country and a series of protests as part of the Arab Spring uprising.

It is part of their culture, ethics, and beliefs – “Ketuanan Palestinian” – that they should get what they demand, failing which they would go berserk at best, and launch uprisings or assassinations or even terrorist attacks at worst. They have been trained from young to be rebellious and violent to get what they want, as beautifully shown at the dramatic chaos at Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur.

Even Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a private conversation that he doesn’t care about “the Palestinian issue”. The MBS cares only about personal risk or potential assassination on his own life. And he is deeply concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood, which gave birth to Hamas and ABIM (a radical movement Anwar Ibrahim co-founded).

Instead of safeguarding and boosting national security, Anwar hadn’t a clue that he risks importing Hamas terrorists in his haste and greed to project himself as a Muslim hero. And in his desperation for global popularity, the PM would rather ignore fellow Malaysians in need in favour of ungrateful Palestinians just because Sarawakians are Christians and Palestinians are Muslims?

Sure, go ahead and let these first class Palestinian “tourists” go out to explore KLCC, not forgetting to give them money and credit cards to do shopping at Pavilion. Build more 5-star hotels and posh condominiums to house them as Anwar dreams of importing new batches of them, the same way how former PM Najib Razak happily welcomed tens of thousands of Myanmar’s Muslim Rohingya into Malaysia in 2016.

Myanmar Rohingya in Malaysia - Protest

If you can already find troublemakers in a tiny group of 127 Palestinians, imagine the disaster when you welcome 10,000 of them. Malaysia is not capable of screening the refugees. Only Israel and Arab nations know who are the extremists and terrorists. And they are laughing at the stupidity of Anwar Ibrahim in blindly transporting dubious Palestinians into the country – collecting unwanted Arab rubbish.

Get real, the Arabs consider themselves as a superior race than others, including the Malay. They should be sent back to Gaza, where they were happy – free UN money, no need to work and crucially, can throw stones and play rockets every day. They are too stressful because Malaysia is too peaceful and boring. They surely don’t look injured based on how they skillfully stomp their feet in protest, throw a slipper like Bruce Lee and knockdown furniture with a single blow. Congratulations to Anwar!!

Written by Finance Twitter


Anonymous said…
Time for Anwar Ibrahim to leave this country lbefore the Palestanians and the Rohinghas take over Malaysia.He is s pain in the Malaysians ass hole.